The Angry Noodle is a leftist writing blog for all things writing, pop culture, politics, and more.
On this site, you'll find lots of fun lists, political satire, science fiction and fantasy stories, different styles of poetry, and some rants.
Yes, we would love to post your 500-word rant about why you hate slow elevators or why you think the Patriots winning the Superbowl for the millionth time is some absolute bullshit that you're tired of seeing and you don't understand why you're so invested in it when you don't even like sports, but you can't help but be caught up in the moment with all these fans losing their shit over it
...and so on.
Suggestions Welcome!
Got an idea for a post you'd like to see written? Looking for advice or thoughts on something? Have an idea for a personality quiz you want to see? An Angry Noodle rant you want to rage read?
Email us at with the subject line "Suggestion" or fill out the form below!
Pretty much anything
However, the below forms can be helpful suggestions (and they happen to be our favorites).
Writing Thoughts/Advice
(New!) Book/Video Game Reviews
I've been pretty obsessed with streaming on Twitch lately, and it made me realize that doing video game/book reviews would be a fun thing to add to my little site. So if there's a video game or a book you'd really like to review, we're now taking those too! More to come on formatting and such.
Got thoughts about being a writer? Advice for writing fantasy, sci-fi, satire, etc? Opinions on character arcs, worldbuilding, plot holes, and anything else to do with storytelling? Thoughts on your favorite or least favorite books? Share it with us!
I like lists. A lot. If you've seen some of our list posts, you might already be aware that I love dumb, goofy lists most of all. If you have a list of any kind, whether it's meant to be helpful or to entertain, I can promise you it's exactly what we're looking for.
Anything funny. It can be political satire, a news article, an interview, a story, anything, really. Nothing's off limits as long as it's funny and not something that will get us arrested if we post it.
Speculative Fiction
(Horror, Science Fiction, and Fantasy Stories)
We're a big fans of worldbuilding, so we'd love to see the worlds people have invented (whether it's through a short story or just a written description of your world). We're also happy to accept general speculative short stories that aren't necessarily grounded in the worldbuilding itself.
We like poetry! Special attention will be paid to poems with an interesting/unusual focus/style. Go nuts. We love that shit.
We're big fans of ranting. We're also big fans of hearing someone rant about something that we also want to rant about. I'm a firm believer in the philosophy that everyone is a writer when they're mad about something. So again, if it's well written and won't get us thrown in jail, we're happy to accept rants about pretty much anything.
Flip side of rants. We love to love, and we love to hear about you guys loving to love. So we're happy to accept you singing the praises of literally anything. (Well, not anything. Some people like some weird shit.)